About Korea (South)
The korean penisula extends southward from the eastern end of asian continent. Mountains covered 70% of this country land. Rice is bulk of korea's agricultral crops. The penisula is divided into The democratic Republic of Korea in the south and communist ruled North Korea.. The republic of Korea consists of nine provinces (do). In total there are 77 cities (si) and 88 counties (gun), including the capital Seoul. Major religions are Shamanism, Buddhism and Confucianism along with Christianity !.
The korean flag is called taegeukgi. Design symbolises the principles of yin and yang. Red half in the circle represents the protective cosmic forces of yang and blue half reperesents the responsive cosmic forces of yin. Surrounded each trigram symbolises the heaven, earth, fire and water (from top left- clockwise direction)
Mugunghwa (Rose of Sharon)- Korean National Flower !
It blossoms every year from July to October. Mugung means immortality.
Hanguel-Korean Language !